Photography Basic

As I said in the description of me that hobby make me become a great photographer. I like photography in this reality world. In my multimedia class which I learned more basic about photography which is the exposure triangle, it consist Shutter speed, Aperture and ISO. These are basic knowledge that we make our photos better and its editable, but mostly photographers use modes in camera as Aperture mode which easier to be flexible by using it.


Shutter speed is one mode in the exposure triangle that mostly used to capture motion. It’s measure in fraction of a second. The higher the shutter speed is, it can captured motion easily, but it’s will bring less light. The lower the shutter speed is, it will bring more light, but can’t easily captured the motion.

Aperture is the size of opening lens that let the lights come through the camera. The wide aperture will has a shallow depth of field. The narrow  aperture will has a deep depth of field which is good for landscape, scenery and long shot. Depth of field is the changes of the background which change into blurry or not.

ISO is how sensitive your camera is to light. Once we have no more choice to let the light come through the camera by changing Aperture or Shutter speed, we would want to increase the ISO. When higher the ISO, the more noise it will create in your photo which make it hard for editing and also it’s don’t look good.

With this technique, it’s will make photo has a good quality with it, but also we technique to take photo and different angle to make it more effective, give more details and showing emotion. Most photographer use Long shot, Full shot, Medium shot, Close up, Extreme close up, Low angle, High angle, Eye level, Dutch angle/tilt, over the shoulder or bird’s eye view.

Full shot
Medium shot
Close up
Extremely close up
Low angle
High angle
Eye level
Bird’s eye view




English Literacy

In Liger, all the students are native Khmer, but we learned English Literacy in our class. In the first term of school year, we focusing on one theme which is about root words and it’s basically about ancient and history of English language which had create from different period of time. We also learn about the timeline of different things happen that related to the language every year. As our school is a based learning school, we also watching different videos, work on some poem and read fiction and non-fiction articles that related to our theme. As I learn through this, I know that some of the English words are from Greek or even Latin. I as a Cambodian student with classmates also correlate the theme to Cambodia language that some of the Khmer words are from French because of the French Colonization in the past. I really enjoy learning this theme.


In mathematics class, we are learning about different things, but in this term mostly we are learning about fraction. It’s one of the lesson from our math book called Primary Mathematics 5A. It’s easy to learn how to calculate different things, but it will be more easy if I practice time to time. Also, In math class, calculation is not a problem, but the hard things to do is word problem which is not my first language. Even though, it is hard for me, but I still love it because it’s challenging with make my brain work faster.

Learning Adobe

For this first school year, we are starting learning Computer Science and Multimedia. I learn how to use Adobe In-design, Adobe Light room and Adobe Photoshop. I learn a lot from this study and I know how to use the platform, editing and creating my own poster or even book. I enjoy learning this kind of things because it is challenge for me with different tools and it is useful for most of the occupation that people need nowadays. To learn this I need time and practice, but I never regret what I have learn because it has their own benefit. To future, I wish I could learn more about Adobe and can use every types of it.

Physical Science

In STEM, we are focusing on one theme which is Physical Science. Now, we are learning about matter. How matters are made and different kind of matter. One things that make up matter is atom. For the last two week of this term, we are learning and researching about atom and what create atom. We knew that atom is the particle that can’t with our naked eyes, but there are quarks that create neutrons and protons inside the atom. Scientist found out that quarks is smallest particle that they have found. There are should be smaller particle than quark, but this the only things we know for now. This lesson is new and make more ideas for our Cambodian students in Liger including me.

Creating Poem

In Khmer Literacy, I have learn a lot about different Khmer poems that has been made in the past. There are different kind of poems and we are working on different kind of poem to publish a Khmer poem book in this November, 2018.

នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់ភាសាខ្មែរ ខ្ញុំបានសិក្សាអំពីប្រភេទកំណាព្យខុសៗគ្នា ដែលបានបង្កើតឡើង តាំងពីសម័យបុរាណមកម្ល៉េះ។ កំណាព្យខ្មែរទាំងអស់មានប្រភេទខុសៗគ្នាច្រើន ហើយពួកខ្ញុំកំពុងតែ ធ្វើការទៅលើកំណាព្យទាំងនោះ ដើម្បីបង្កើតកំណាព្យខហខ្មែរ នៅក្នុងខែវិច្ឆិការ ឆ្នាំ ២០១៨ នេះ។




































